At A Glance | July

If you’ve been a faithful blog follower for any period of time, you are probably familiar with my tendency to list out my goals every month. You are probably even more familiar with that fact that I tend to list the same ones across multiple months. Well friends, this month is going to be one of those months. Life has been so darn BUSY lately! I would have never imagined I would have so many things going on at once, but it looks like that is the season of life Seth and I are in right now! Luckily, I was blessed to have this past week off of my full-time job. Being on a year round school calendar allows for mini-vacations here and there, and this week allowed me some time to recharge as well as get a lot done around the house.

Ok, enough of my rambling. On with this month’s goals!


Order business cards! I finally have a design I like, now I just have to get them printed!

Finish designing the new pricing guide. I’m pulling inDesign skills I learned in high school out of my brain- it’s been quite the experience 😉

Stick to my new blogging schedule. I’ve come to realize that blogging daily is just not realistic right now. I’m going to start with 3 days a week and move up from there.

Shoot Katelyn & Allen’s wedding! I’m stocking up on water and smiles for their end of July wedding day in Orange, VA. Super excited!



Make some progress on packing. We move in to the new house on August 1st! I got a lot done this past week, but there’s still a lot more to go.

Send out wedding invitations. They’ve been designed and envelopes have been ordered- all that’s left is to get them printed and in the mail!

Find an officiant for the wedding. Uhm. Yeah. So, we thought this had been taken care of, but now we can’t get in touch with the person who was going to officiate our ceremony. So, if you know anyone who is ordained and registered in the state of West Virginia- please send them my way!


I’ll have several blogs coming this week and next to catch up on what I’ve been doing these past few weeks- here’s a quick snapshot of what’s coming through some instagram photos!



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